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  1. Read the email thoroughly
  2. Copy and paste the email of our choose into your email 
  3. Edit to make it sound like you
  4. Add your affiliate link for the class. 
  5. Add images to spice it up and make it interesting. Show off your own ear seed photos, too!
  6. Proof again before you send, test your links to make sure they work.

Email Copy #1

Infants and toddlers often struggle, yet their symptoms are written off as something they'll "grow out of". Parents are right to be concerned when something feels "off" about their baby's health.

There's an important aspect of early development that is often missed—the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This silent powerhouse regulates their internal functions like heartbeat, digestion, and even their emotional equilibrium.

Yet, external factors such as stress, diet, toxins and environmental changes can disrupt the delicate balance of the ANS.

You might see this manifest in several ways:

  • Over-sensitivity to sensory inputs: They're bothered by tags, crowds, loud noises, strong smells or tastes.

  • Irregular sleep patterns: They have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

  • Digestive difficulties: They have reflux, gas, colic, toddler's diarrhea or constipation.

  • Swift mood changes: Tantrums, difficulty when told "no", and reactions beyond what the situation is called for.

We don't recommend a wait and see approach when proactive care with ear seeds can help right now. In fact, many hospitals use ear seeds to soothe preemies in the NICU because they work so well.

What are ear seeds?

Ear seeds are small, round seeds made from natural materials like the vaccaria plant or 24k gold, stainless steel or silver pellets that are that are placed on specific points on the ear with a medical adhesive tape.


The pressure from the seed on the ear point helps to stimulate the numerous nerve branches on the ear connecting directly the the brain.

The brain, in turn, sends messages of homeostasis or balance to the corresponding area of the body. Ear seeds are non-invasive and virtually painless, making them an ideal option for babies and children.

Nerve Branches How Ear Seeds Work

To delve deeper into this topic and learn cutting-edge ways to support our little ones, I invite you to register for the "Ear Seeding Protocols for Infants & Toddlers" class.

This comprehensive workshop provides invaluable insights into gentle, non-invasive techniques to harmonize their nervous system and address common symptoms.

To embark on this enriching path toward understanding and enhancing your child's autonomic health, join the class here. Your participation in this learning opportunity could be the key to unlocking a balanced, healthier future for them.

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

Email #1A

Hey there, wonderful parents!

If you’re anything like me, you’re all about finding gentle, natural ways to soothe your little one’s big challenges, like teething pain or those unexpected tantrums.

Well, I’m here to share some great news - ear seeds are not only incredibly safe for babies and toddlers, but they’re also a holistic way to provide comfort and care without immediately reaching for medication. 

What are ear seeds?

Ear seeds are small, round seeds made from natural materials like the vaccaria plant or 24k gold, stainless steel or silver pellets that are that are placed on specific points on the ear with a medical adhesive tape.


The pressure from the seed on the ear point helps to stimulate the numerous nerve branches on the ear connecting directly the the brain.

The brain, in turn, sends messages of homeostasis or balance to the corresponding area of the body. Ear seeds are non-invasive and virtually painless, making them an ideal option for babies and children.

Nerve Branches How Ear Seeds Work

I want to invite you to join me for a class on Ear Seeds Protocols for Infants & Toddlers hosted by my friend and colleague, Robin Green. 

[Insert Class Photo]

[Insert Affiliate Link]

You'll learn how to use ear seeds for conditions like sleep, teething pain, earaches, acid reflux, colic, tantrums and more.

Remember, your intuition mixed with a dash of knowledge is a powerful tool for nurturing health and happiness. I hope you'll join me at this important class. Here's the link to enroll [insert affiliate link]

Please feel free to share this email with a parent that is interested in all-natural, non-invasive ways to help their infant or toddler.

Sending you and your little ones all the warmth and wellness!

Big hugs,

[your name]

Email #2A

Hello parents!

When it comes to our little ones or our little clients, we all seek gentle yet effective remedies.

As a pediatric specialist, that's precisely why I love ear seeds for babies and consider them my "secret weapon".

Here are my top six reasons ear seeds are great for babies and toddlers: 

  1. Soothes Their Nervous System: Ear seeds can help balance your baby's nervous system, often delivering immediate relaxation, helping with emotional calm, and promoting better sleep.

  2. A Few Points, Many Solutions: Most common baby symptoms can be addressed with ear seeds on just a few points, making them incredibly versatile.

  3. Convenience on the Go: Real life doesn't stop for discomfort, and with ear seeds, you can provide relief for your baby anytime, any place.

  4. Ease of Use: They're incredibly easy to apply, and babies generally don't even notice them there.

  5. Safety First: Parents can be confident using ear seeds because they are safe, non-toxic, and non-invasive.

  6. Complementary Care: Ear seeds can be seamlessly integrated with dietary changes, herbs, and supplements for a comprehensive approach to health.

Take, for instance, a case from one of my youngest patients facing recurrent ear infections - a 2 year-old we'll call Liam.

Ear Seeds on Toddler

He was often in pain and at risk of frequent antibiotic use.

Through the precise application of ear seeds, we were able to relieve his discomfort, which not only helped him avoid antibiotics but also brought much-needed relief to both Liam and his parents.

Are you ready to learn how to use this simple, yet life-changing technique for your little one or your little clients?

Ear Seeds for Infants and Toddlers Promo

Register Now for $37

Join our upcoming class dedicated to infants and toddlers. The early bird rate of $37 is available until March 31st, so don't miss out on your chance for expert guidance.

Secure your spot with the early bird rate now and give your baby the gift of balance and comfort.

Email #2 (Has Early bird rate - adjust if sending after 3/31/24

Subject: Why Ear Seeds Are a Parent's Best Friend for Baby Wellness

Dear Parent,

When it comes to our little ones or our little clients, we all seek gentle yet effective remedies.

That's precisely why I love ear seeds for babies and consider them my "secret weapon".

Here are my top six reasons baby's need ear seeds:

  1. Soothes Their System: Ear seeds can help balance your baby's nervous system, often delivering immediate relaxation, helping with emotional calm, and promoting better sleep.

  2. A Few Points, Many Solutions: Most common baby symptoms can be addressed with ear seeds on just a few points, making them incredibly versatile.

  3. Convenience on the Go: Real life doesn't stop for discomfort, and with ear seeds, you can provide relief for your baby anytime, any place.

  4. Ease of Use: They're incredibly easy to apply, and babies generally don't even notice them there.

  5. Safety First: Parents can be confident using ear seeds because they are safe, non-toxic, and non-invasive.

  6. Complementary Care: Ear seeds can be seamlessly integrated with dietary changes, herbs, and supplements for a comprehensive approach to health.

Take, for instance, a case from one of my youngest patients facing recurrent ear infections - a 2 year-old we'll call Liam.

He was often in pain and at risk of frequent antibiotic use.

Through the precise application of ear seeds, we were able to relieve his discomfort, which not only helped him avoid antibiotics but also brought much-needed relief to both Liam and his parents.

Are you ready to learn how to use this simple, yet life-changing technique for your little one or your little clients?

Join our upcoming class dedicated to infants and toddlers. The early bird rate of $37 is available until April 16th, so don't miss out on your chance for expert guidance.

Secure your spot with the early bird rate now and give your baby the gift of balance and comfort.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Email #3 for Professionals

The development and regulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in infants and toddlers is a critical aspect strongly influencing their long-term physical and mental health.

The interaction between the ANS and the limbic system—the emotional center— significantly impacts the overall well-being of toddlers and infants. In TCM terms, you can think of this as an imbalance if the Kidney-Heart-Triple Burner.

Therefore, understanding, identifying, and addressing potential issues in this area is pivotal.

The ANS balances numerous involuntary bodily functions, including but not limited to heart rate, respiration, digestion, blood pressure, and temperature. Nevertheless, this vital system can be compromised by various elements, including environmental stressors (stimuli, toxins, etc), pathogens (natural and vaccine), stress, and poor nutrition.

We need to place greater attention towards the repercussions of a sub-optimally developed ANS. Such situations could trigger several manifestations in infants and toddlers, including:

  • Atypical sensitivity to environmental stimuli (hyper or hypo-reactivity)

  • Chronic sleep issues: can't fall asleep or stay asleep

  • Feeding issues: suck/swallow issues, poor latch

  • Digestive disorders: reflux, diarrhea, constipation

  • Recurrent emotional outbursts or tantrums

  • Altered heart rate variability

Gradual development might mask these symptoms initially, but failing to address these disturbances can lead to complicated conditions such as ADHD, depression, and anxiety disorders.

A promising development in supporting the evolution of a healthy ANS is the practice of auricular neuromodulation. This can easily be done with ear seeds.

Auricular neuromodulation represents an exciting advancement in the way we can potentially influence the brain's activity and health without resorting to drugs or invasive procedures. This technique focuses on stimulating specific points on the ear to positively affect the brain's functioning.

The ear connects to the brain through various nerves, most notably the vagus nerve, which plays a significant role in regulating the body’s rest and digest response, and the trigeminal nerve, which is involved in facial sensation and motor functions. By targeting these connections through the ear, auricular neuromodulation aims to leverage the body's natural systems to promote healing and well-being.

This Nueromodulation with Ear Seeds has several benefits:

Stress Mitigation: It helps children handle stress better.

Emotional Regulation: It nurtures a balanced nervous system promoting healthy emotional responses.

Sleep Improvement: The technique fosters healthier natural sleep patterns.

Facilitates Cognitive and Social Development: It enhances children's engagement with their environment.

Digestive and Immune Boost: It aids in digestion and enhances the body's natural defenses.

Recognizing these beneficial aspects, integrating auricular neuromodulation will certainly augment the overall wellness of young children.

We cordially invite you to attend our "Ear Seeds Protocols for Infants and Toddlers Workshop" on April 16th. This workshop aims to equip you with essential knowledge and practical skills to effectively integrate auricular neuromodulation into your repertoire. This method has the potential to guide the young ones under your care towards enhanced health outcomes.

Register Here and join a network of health-conscious professionals in this transformative quest towards new heights in child health and wellness.

Email #4 for Professionals

The development of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in infants and toddlers is important for their immediate health as well as long-term physical and mental health. Yet, this crucial aspect of their health is often overlooked.

The ANS is responsible for regulating the body’s internal environment and maintaining homeostasis or balance. It controls many of the body’s involuntary functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, respiration and temperature regulation.

But what most people don't know is that during these early years, the connections between our autonomic nervous system and limbic system—our emotional center—play a crucial role in development of healthy body and mind now and in the future.

Unfortunately, the ANS is vulnerable to insults such as environmental toxins, pathogens (infections that occur naturally and those from vaccines), stress—and even nutrition.

The importance of nurturing a well-balanced autonomic nervous system cannot be overstated, as disruptions to this system can lead to many serious problems.

In simple terms, a poorly developed ANS can manifest in children as:

  • hyper- or hypo-sensitivity to environmental stimuli

  • poor sleep

  • difficulty feeding

  • poor digestion

  • recurrent tantrums

  • poor heart rate variability

It might go unnoticed at first, but if left unaddressed, these early imbalances can eventually lead to more severe conditions like ADHD, depression, and anxiety disorders later in childhood.

However, the good news is that one technique is showing promise for supporting healthy ANS development—auricular neuromodulation. Better yet this can be done with ear seeds. This non-invasive method triggers key health benefits in infants and toddlers by uniquely engaging the ANS.

The ear connects to the brain through various nerves, most notably the vagus nerve, which plays a significant role in regulating the body’s rest and digest response, and the trigeminal nerve, which is involved in facial sensation and motor functions. By targeting these connections through the ear, auricular neuromodulation aims to leverage the body's natural systems to promote healing and well-being.

Some advantages of this technique include:

1. Stress Reduction: Dealing with stress is a common challenge for little ones. Auricular neuromodulation can help ease this burden, encouraging a more relaxed demeanor.

2. Emotional Regulation: Young children often find the world around them overwhelming. This technique promotes a balanced nervous system and, consequently, a healthier response to emotional stimuli.

3. Improved Sleep: The non-intrusive nature of auricular neuromodulation helps foster natural sleep patterns—an important component of health and development.

4. Facilitates Cognitive and Social Development: The method encourages children to better engage with their surroundings, thereby bolstering cognitive and social growth.

5. Aids Digestion and Boosts Immune Function: By maintaining an equilibrium in the autonomic nervous system, auricular neuromodulation aids digestion and bolsters the body's natural defenses.

Understanding the benefits of auricular neuromodulation, it's clear that an early introduction to this practice can significantly enhance a young child's well-being.

But how can you, as a concerned parent or practitioner, deepen your understanding and integrate this practice effectively?

We invite you to the "Ear Seeds Protocols for Infants and Toddlers Workshop" on April 16th.

This workshop equips you with the essential know-how and practical skills to use auricular neuromodulation with ear seeds safely and effectively, steering the children under your care towards a healthier future.

Ready to take the reins for a more profound strategy towards child health and wellness? Click here to reserve your spot and join a community of health-conscious parents and practitioners, all united by a shared goal: to foster the best health outcomes for our children. We can't wait for you to be part of this transformative journey.